Feature Suggestion - Quick Status Scheduler Options

Feature Suggestion - Quick Status Scheduler Options

I find myself wishing for a quicker way to set the Status Scheduler change time. Right now you need to click the checkbox, select status changing To, date, hour, and minute. It would be fantastic if there was a way to speed this up, something that can be tailored to each instance.

I would suggest quick schedule radial buttons. Keep the Schedule status change checkbox and the To field, but then have 4 radial buttons below it. The first three are custom set changes (1 hour from now, 24 hours from now, 1 week from now, etc.) and the last is Manual, which brings up the On field currently there.

Use case is that for certain types of tickets, I set different timers. For something finished I give them an hour to respond to my last message before closing (to prevent them saying thank you from reopening it). If I am waiting on information I generally give 24 hours. Having quick options would just save a few clicks and would be a nice QOL update.

      • Topic Participants

      • Robin

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