Feature Request - Scheduled Reboots

Feature Request - Scheduled Reboots


With so many people working from home nowdays, patching is a bit tricky.  I need to be able to patch systems but have to give people more flexibility on when their systems are rebooted.  I haven't been able to find a good balance so far where people won't complain about too many or too forceful reboot notifications, but also where I dont have several hundred machines that haven't rebooted even after weeks of patches being deployed.  At my business, we mostly work M-F so it would be great in MEDC if I could, either as part of a deployment configuration or part of a completely separate scheduled job, push a task to machines to say that your computer will be rebooted over the weekend unless you choose to reboot earlier. 

One place where it would be great to add this feature is on the reboot system options window.  In the patch management view, if I click on the systems requiring reboot, I can select all of them and click restart, but I am presented with options that only apply to performing the action immedaiately.  

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