Feature Request: Include variables within Task Module

Feature Request: Include variables within Task Module

I did a search and found other requests that I think were looking for a similar solution to this - but none pinpointed exactly what I think others were asking for so I will try to explain here. 

We have a new hire request template - within this template we have tasks which are set to populate depending on the job title selected by the hiring manager. Different titles will select or un-select different tasks which will then trigger or assign themselves to the appropriate administrators so that accounts can be established or removed (if a termination). 

One big problem is that the task templates created are so generic that when it is received by an administrator (without someone going in to add specific information like the name of the new hire or termination), there is nothing that specifically identifies who the task is to be performed for since all of the task templates provide the same exact information by default.

See below:

Using the above template, I have to open up each specific task - then modify them slightly to provide the details of the ticket, so that when I assign the task to a technician, they have a unique task which states who the task is to be performed for. For example I might add a name, and a job titled. This is all information that is previously populated into the request module through the use of custom or additional fields. 

I understand that recently there were some updates to the task notification module as we're not able to use some of the field data from the request module to populate notifications. 

What I think would make a huge difference for users of the task modules would be the ability to include variables, or custom fields from the parent request or ticket that the task is contained within. 

For example: Imagine with me if you will :) a world where your task templates seen here below:

Could instead use the dynamic variables from the service ticket they lived inside of to populate data for the Title and Description fields..  It might look something more like this..

This seems to me that it would make the Task feature / module infinitely more usable by SDP customers as they could almost be considered "Smart Tasks" because they used the data from the parent request. Right now, unfortunately they require manual data entry and the time that it takes to populate them and assign could almost be spent doing the tasks yourself. 

I hope you consider this request as a possible contender for a future release. If I have missed something and there is a capability that is already in use that would perform this function, PLEASE LET ME KNOW because it would save me so much time. We use these tasks in each request as an audit trail for examiners to verify that a process has been completed. Its a huge hit, and they are very impressed - but it takes alot of back end time where it seems like the functionality could be implemented. 

Thanks you for reading, 

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