Feature Request: Bulk Operations filtering by Group

Feature Request: Bulk Operations filtering by Group

We would like the select by Group functionality available in all the Bulk operations for users, exchange, terminal service, computers and groups. Allowing us to enable, move, modify etc. based on Group membership.

In Addition, the “Modify Groups” under Group Management on the horizontal toolbar, is incorrect, it appears to be a singular group modification option, and we’re not able to modify multiple groups in bulk. This is labelled correctly if using the left hand vertical menu.

Additionally, when amending the Members of a group, we must import a CSV or search for and add individual users, would be nice is the option to select existing group or groups of users .

When you get the Select Members popup (and if this is used elsewhere in the product), as well as the Quick Find dialog box, there should be options to filter by OU and/or Group membership.

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