Failed Upgrade MSSQL

Failed Upgrade MSSQL

I have created a copy of the service desk server so I can test the migration process from MySQL to MSSQL. We are running MESD Plus - MSP which currently runs MYSQL version 4.1.18. I have installed MSSQL Express 2008 R2 on a Server 2003 virtual.

This all went fine and I followed the instructions from the How do I convert the database from MYSQL to MSSQL question from the following link:

This all appeared to go fine but there are some tables missing - workorder, workorderstates etc and data missing from others aauser, sduser etc.

I have tried restoring again from the backup file that I took and also from last night's backup but the same result occurs. Now the service will start but keeps shutting down after ~5 seconds.

I have attached the last SDPRestore log so that you can see the contents and hopefully advise.

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