i've been struggling for a very long while trying to export a custom report in csv in order to analyze it with excel or access. What tricked me was the almost unexplicable behaviour of the exporting engine, wich usually breaks some records by inserting crlf followed by some "explanatory" data, then following with the rest of the record content. Apparently, this behaviour is due to the fact that the exporting engine does not considers that exporting to csv does not needs to be formatted as a "printable page". In fact, if i export the report as pdf, i do see that there's a straightforward correspondance between the page breaks in the pdf and the badly formatted records in csv. I do believe that the page breaking routine should not operate against a .csv export as this is completely unnecessary.
10 Fortigate
local7 local7 information - date=2012-01-24 time=16:35:06
log_id=0134039948 type=event subtype=sslvpn-
24 Jan 2012, 17:07:25
Tue, Jan 24,2012, 17:27:09
3 of 152fortiCED01
ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer#
Host Name Source Facility Severity UserName Message Time10 Fortigate
local7 local7 information - session pri=information action=tunnel-down
tunnel_type=ssl-tunnel vd="root"
tunnel_id=1141520915 remote_ip=
tunnel_ip=xx.xx.xx.xx user="miscumps"
group="utentivpnssl" dst_host="n/a" duration=28
sent=25898 rcvd=34126 reason="n/a" msg="ssl
tunnel shutdown"
24 Jan 2012, 17:07:25
10,Fortigate 310B,local7,local7,information,-,date=2012-01-24 time=16:35:06 devname=fg300b3909602719 ,"24 Jan 2012, 17:07:25"
10,Fortigate 310B,local7,local7,information,-,"device_id=fg300b3909602719 log_id=0134039948 type=event subtype=sslvpn-session pri=information action=tunnel-down tunnel_type=ssl-tunnel vd=""root"" tunnel_id=1141520915 remote_ip= tunnel_ip=xx.xx.xx.xx user=""miscumps"" group=""utentivpnssl"" dst_host=""n/a"" duration=28 sent=25898 rcvd=34126 reason=""n/a"" msg=""ssl tunnel shutdown""","24 Jan 2012, 17:07:25"
As you can see, the record breaked is the same, even if there's a slight change in the cutting point, presumably due to the offset generated by the header insertion on the pdf.
Now: while this behaviour can be frustrating if someone must deal with a few tens of records, i let you imagine what kind of mess you'll have to face if the report counts tens of thousands records.
I therefore ask you to take charge of this and take the most appropriate measures in order to overcome this limit.
Thank you.