Expand all and filtering the system discussions

Expand all and filtering the system discussions

Hi all,
the discussion part of a request needs some additional tweaks so that it becomes more user friendly. I have a list of three proposals for future development should make everyone dealing with requests via SCP quite happy:
1. The discussion section should allow to filter out the system notifications - these are used only for tracking purposes and typically are just polluting the conversation
2. The discussion list should have the possibility to expand all conversations in order to allow everyone to read the full conversation log
3. There should be an option that allows sorting the discussions based on their creation date ascending or descending allowing for fast access for both situations: one wants to read the full log (then sorting should be typically ascending) - one just needs the last reply (then the sorting should be descending avoiding the scroll down on requests where the conversations can be by hundreds)
Looking forward for your involvement in bringing these features to the software.

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