Exchange Reporter Plus build 5711 released!

Exchange Reporter Plus build 5711 released!

Hello Everybody!

We are glad to announce the release of Exchange Reporter Plus' latest build–5711. The new build supports the following:



  • Content search for Exchange Online: Now search for specific content across the mailboxes and folders in your Exchange Online tenant. Configure the search criteria based on various attributes, keywords, and patterns for instant search, and even create custom search profiles to meet your legal or compliance goals.



  • To improve performance and usability, an Enable/Disable option has been added for the Monitoring feature. 

  • An option to skip alerts and mails related to Security Hardening has been added.

  • The process of copying audit data from file to database has been improved.

  • The Support tab now supports Premium Support feature.


Issue fixes:

  • The issue of Mailbox Enabled Users report showing disabled mailboxes has been fixed.

  • The issue of Content Search feature not working when mails have multiple attachments has been fixed.

  • The issue of not being able to apply SSL certificate to Exchange Reporter Plus from Log360 has been fixed.

  • The issue of Mailbox Account Properties task not collecting data has been fixed.

  • The issue of being unable to access report via the Top 10 Servers by CPU Utilization and Top 10 Servers by Memory Utilization widgets in the Monitoring dashboard has been fixed.

  • The issue of data inconsistency in ActiveSync Reports has been fixed.

  • The issue of not showing all users in the user/group filter of Permissions Based on Users report has been fixed.

  • The issue of delegate activity not being mapped as a non-owner activity has been fixed.

  • The issue in Failed OWA Logs task leading to high memory consumption has been fixed.

  • The issue of data collection progress not being shown in reports after user switches tabs has been fixed.

  • The issue of EWS not working in Exchange 2019 servers due to TLS 1.2 has been fixed.

  • The issue in updating URL settings in some environments has been fixed.

  • Elasticsearch-sql-cli-6.5.4 JAR file which is suspected to be vulnerable has been removed.


How to update?

Update using service pack.


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Exchange Reporter Plus Team


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