Exchange Reporter Plus build 5705 released!

Exchange Reporter Plus build 5705 released!

Hello Everybody!

We are glad to announce the release of Exchange Reporter Plus' latest build–5705. The new build features the following enhancement and bug fixes:



  • Security enhancement has been made to improve the ease of access and security of the product.


Issues Fixed:

  • The issue of mismatch in the count of Folder-wise Unread Mails with Subject report has been fixed.

  • The issue of report scheduler failing to send the Exchange Online reports to the specified email addresses has been fixed.  

  • The issue of Out of Memory Exception error occurring when starting up the product as a Windows service has been fixed.

  • The issue of Access Denied error occurring for technicians when logging in if only audit permissions is delegated has been fixed.

  • Some vulnerability issues have been fixed.


How to update?


Update using service pack.


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Exchange Reporter Plus Team


Direct Inward Dialing: +1-408-916-9892

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