Exchange Reporter Plus' build 5607 with new email traffic threshold categories

Exchange Reporter Plus' build 5607 with new email traffic threshold categories

Hello Everyone!

We have released a new build of Exchange Reporter Plus, 5607, with alert notifications for email traffic threshold values.


While scheduling Traffic Logs gathering task, users can now choose to receive alert notifications based on six different criteria.
  • Sent mail count: Number of emails sent internally or externally, from the selected mailboxes, over a set time interval, exceeds the given value.

  • Received mail count: Number of internal or external emails received by the selected mailboxes, over a set time interval, exceeds the given value.

  • Recipients count: Total number of recipients, of an email sent internally or externally, exceeds the given value.

  • Sent mail size: Single email of size larger than a set value is sent internally or externally.

  • Received mail size: Single email of size larger than a set value is received from an internal or external domain.

  • Undelivered emails: Notifications to the senders and recipients of an undelivered email (sent from the selected mailboxes) with possible reasons.

Exchange Reporter Plus Team

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