Exchange Reporter Plus build 5510 released with enhancements and issue fixes

Exchange Reporter Plus build 5510 released with enhancements and issue fixes

Hello Everyone!

We have released a new build of Exchange Reporter Plus, 5510. This release features security enhancements and bug fixes.


  • Users can now use LDAPS to secure all communications between Exchange Reporter Plus and Active Directory.

  • Public Folder Replicas report generation speed has been enhanced.

Issue Fixes:

  • The CVE-2020-24786 vulnerability, which allowed unauthenticated changes to the integration system's configuration, as reported by Florian Hauser, has been fixed.

  • Issue in selecting folders in Folder Message Count and Size report.

  • Issue in fetching data on SendAs property in Mailbox Delegates report.

  • Issue in applying ManageEngine Log360 license.

  • Issue in scheduling Traffic Logs gathering task when the log path contains non-English characters.

  • Issue in establishing remote PowerShell connection with Skype for Business servers.

  • Issue in scheduling license management tasks for a huge number of mailboxes in Exchange Reporter Plus.

  • Daylight saving time zone issue in the alerts module of Exchange Reporter Plus.

Exchange Reporter Plus Team

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