Exchange Reporter Plus build 5414 released with 2 new audit reports, and enhancements!

Exchange Reporter Plus build 5414 released with 2 new audit reports, and enhancements!

Hello everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of Exchange Reporter Plus' latest build - 5414. This new build comes with 2 new audit reports on distribution lists, and several enhancements.
  • New Audit Reports
    • Distribution List Audit reports: Two new audit reports on distribution lists have been added.
    • Distribution Lists Created and Deleted: Provides audit details on the distribution lists created, and deleted in the Exchange environment.
    • Distribution List Members Added and Removed: Gives audit details on the members added/removed from distribution lists.
  • Enhancements
    • Traffic and OWA reports can now be archived. 
    • Email addresses of actual senders and receivers are included in the mail traffic reports.
    • Distribution List Members report provides details on the list of members for multiple groups.
    • Select All option has been included in Permissions Based on Mailboxes report to choose all the mailboxes in a single click.
    • Admins can now set up their own passwords to protect the exported reports..
    • Mailbox Folder Permissions report now provides details on sub-folder level permissions.
  • Issue Fixes
    • The error in IE version details in the Logon Specifics report has been fixed.
    • MSSQL connection issue faced in machines using NTLMv2 authentication protocol has been fixed.

How to update?
  • Update using service pack
  • New to Exchange Reporter Plus? Download the fully functional free trial. 

Exchange Reporter Plus Team 
DID: +1-408-916-9892

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