Exception while checking server status

Exception while checking server status


We use ADAudit Plus 6.0.0 Build 6010. It is installed on a server that has multiple IP addresses.
ADAudit is binding to a single IP address (param "bindaddress=" is used in "system_properties.conf" file). Also the same ip address is used in "server.xml" file (<Connector SSLEnabled="true" URIEncoding="UTF-8" acceptCount="100" address=""SSL" port="443" scheme="https" secure="true" .....)

Everything works fine, but since I always check log files :), I saw a lot of errors in "serverOut.txt" log file.
[14:00:19:787]|[10-31-2019]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[29]: Exception while checking server status.Connection refused: connect|
[14:00:22:793]|[10-31-2019]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[29]: Exception while checking server status.Connection refused: connect|
[14:00:25:794]|[10-31-2019]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[29]: Exception while checking server status.Connection refused: connect|

After some research (I like this kind of research), I discovered the cause of this issue.
ADAudit server executes a request by url "https://localhost:443/servlet/ADSMServerStatus" (in my case) to check its status. And as a result - Connection refused, because ADAudit server is not bind to "localhost".

If I understand correctly, then "localhost" as part of url is hardcoded in source code.

Thank you

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?