Example command for DUEBYDATE in Email Command Parsing

Example command for DUEBYDATE in Email Command Parsing

I am trying to use Email Command Parsing to create New Starters based on emails from our HR system

I'm able to set the TEMPLATE / GROUP / SUBJECT / ASSET fields no problem eg:

@@TECHNICIAN=Jane Smith@@

This works correctly.

However I want to make the user Start date the Due By Date in the Ticket. I have tried a lot of different things but based on the Documentation I feel like this should work:
@@DUEBYTIME=29 MAY 2023, 12:00:00@@
This does not work

Documentation wording:
Date format for specifying CREATEDTIME/DUEBYTIME field as a formatted date string :
    • DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss"
I have full permissions as I am an "Organization Admin" - I have no problem changing the dates manually and I am sending the emails from my Service Desk Login email.

Could someone please provide an exact example of the full command? Including the @@ and an actual date and time?

So far all the information I've found/been given is "[use] the format given in [the] help document"
Which I have done to the best of my understanding. Do I need to add the "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" in there somewhere?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?