ESXi hosts and Datastore alerts:
1) ESXi host rebooted or crashed.
2) ESXi host network connectivity lost for Ethernet adapters / any failures.
3) Datastore multipath lost or redundancy lost.
4) Datastore read/write latency for 3 pools each 5 minute interval >15 milliseconds.
5) Datastore filling up 3 pools 5 minute interval. 80 % Warning, 90 % Critical.
VM alerts (only if possible):
1) VM restart due to ESXi host crash.
2) VM CPU / Memory usage 90 % for 3 pools each 5 minute interval.
3) New VM’s deployed alert and resource change alerts (when new VM deployed, when someone increase memory, cpu or disk space for particular VM).
Let me know if you have any questions in regards to this.