Error trying to access SAP tabs and no performance data

Error trying to access SAP tabs and no performance data


I've installed the SAP Server monitor successfully in AppManager and have configured it to watch three SAP systems. 

There are two problems. 
1) When I go into the SAP Server monitors to view the tabs Background, Dialog, OS and Spool I get an error that "An Error has occurred"

2) When I try to view performance data in the tabs Buffer and Enqueue there doesn't seem to be any data...everything is 0 in enqueue and there is nothing for Buffer.
I have run SAPDebug.bat and it does connect and pull performance data it just doesn't appear to display anything.

As a test I configured a SAP CCMS monitor as well and it is polling and displaying data without issue...just the SAP Server monitor is giving me a hard time.

Any help would be appreciated.


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