Error report day off

Error report day off

Hi everyone!

All of them is incorrect. I try to make little report, to understand how work "EXTRACT(hour FROM to_timestamp(createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP with time zone)"

and i get some results:

  1. select longtodate(workorder.createdtime), workorderid, EXTRACT(hour FROM to_timestamp(createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP with time zone) as "HOUR" from workorder
  2. where createdtime >=  <from_thisquarter> and createdtime <=  <to_thisquarter> 


As you can see, hour from created time is not the same as in column "Hour"

Please somebody help me whith that query. I need a report to show all the tickets resolved during our off hours, time is 08:00AM till 17:00PM, and sunday+saturday.


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