Error : No response received from workstation. Probably the workstation might be switched off or does not exist.

Error : No response received from workstation. Probably the workstation might be switched off or does not exist.

I am getting this error when doing a WMI scan:

Error : No response received from workstation. Probably the workstation might be switched off or does not exist.

Has any encountered this error?

Here are the actions I did to ensure access to the scanned workstation:
  • verified the correct credentials under Credentials Library - credential is correct.
  • ping workstation via ip address - all good
  • ping workstation via hostname - all good
  • added the workstation IP address on CMDB > Workstation > Edit Workstation > Network adapter details
After doing all these, still getting the error.

Workstation Details:
  • workstation being scanned is the same device where SDP MSP is hosted
  • workstation CI was created via Purchase / PO
SDP Details:
  • Version: SDP MSP version 9 build 9308
  • DB: PostgreSQL

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