Error in SNMP polling Barracuda Spam Filter

Error in SNMP polling Barracuda Spam Filter

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a device template for a Barracuda 600Vx and have some issues with the polls.
Using the MIB browser I get an error stating: " Request failed or timed out. Response PDU received from **.**.**.** Error Indication in response: There is no such variable name in this mib. Errindex: 1".

If I use Paessler SNMP tester I get a correct response using the same OID.
After a Wireshark trace it seems that OpManager is adding a trailing .0 to the OID.

Paessler is querying  .
OpManager is querying  .

Please see the attached screenshots and Wireshark output.

Is there any special reason that OpManager is adding the trailing .0 to the OID?


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?