Dear support team !
My customer using AD Manager Plus with EXChange server 2010.
They want to create bulk users and enable mail exchange using .csv file, I created template .csv file.
When I using this file, I see in AD have user and in Mailbox server have mailbox. But, user don’t login mail then I need to reset pass in AD then user can login successes.
So, Can you help me fix this case. I send information license of customers and .csv file then I created.
.csv file:
givenname,displayname,password,OU Name,mailNickame,homeMDB,msExchHomeServerName,pwdLastSet
test40,nguyen hong test40,123456a@,STTTT/Test User,test40,"CN=SO-TTTT,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=laocai,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=laocai,DC=egov,DC=vn","/o=laocai/ou=Exchange Administrative Group",0
Thanks and Best Regards!