Endpoint Central now extends integration with Tenable.sc

Endpoint Central now extends integration with Tenable.sc

Hey folks,


We are elated to announce that Endpoint Central can now be integrated with Tenable.sc. This integration is available for the on-premises version of the product.


For integration with Tenable.io, refer to this forum post.  



What's in it for you?


The Endpoint Central-Tenable integration offers you a centralized console that can be leveraged for:


  1. Risk-based patch management.

  2. Auto-correlation of vulnerability and patch details.

  3. Real-time mitigation of threats detected by Tenable, from the Endpoint Central console.

  4. Reduced threat mitigation response times.

  5. Enhanced collaboration between the SecOps and ITOps teams.




The integration is currently available as an early-access program. If you are an existing user and would want to try out the integration, kindly contact support.


Quick links:


  1. Learn more about the integration

  2. Steps to integrate

  3. Solution Brief

The ManageEngine Team

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