Endpoint Central Agent Removal from Single PC

Endpoint Central Agent Removal from Single PC

I have a single PC that is having problems with Remote Control.  I have tried to uninstall the agent through Agent > Computers > Uninstall Agent.  Which fails with "An SSL Error Occurred".    Agent shows as online, but basically cannot do anything with this specific PC.  Looking at the support for agent removal, https://www.manageengine.com/products/desktop-central/desktop_agent_uninstallation.html , the article has you run the agentcleanuptool.exe on the Endpoint Central server.  This article states that once you run this, the agentcleanuptoolclient.exe will be deployed to all agents under the SOM.  If this specific PC is having communications issues with the server due to SSL reasons, will it even push this tool to the PC? I dont really want to have to push a tool to all my PC's at once when its only 1 PC I am having a problem with.  (Not sure who thought this was a bright idea)

Is there an easier way to remove the EC Agent from a single machine and reinstall it?



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