End Users able to review or approve change tickets

End Users able to review or approve change tickets

Is there a way to have and end user [Requestor] able to review a change ticket and/or approve a change ticket?  For example if I want a normal user to review that the change was done correctly:

Modified the 'Reviewer' role so that 'This role will be played by All Users'

Selected a User (non-technician) as the Reviewer when creating the change ticket

Moved a change ticket to Reviewed stage

End user got an email that there is a change ticket ready for them to review and there was two links (one for non-logon and one for logon access)

Error received is "You are not authorized to view change module and details"  and the end user does not have any indication in their user portal that an approval is waiting on them 'Awaiting Approval' is 0.

Is there a way to have the end user involved in the change workflow in this fashion?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?