Enabling Self signed SSL in NetFlow Analyzer (build 9700 onwards)

Enabling Self signed SSL in NetFlow Analyzer (build 9700 onwards)

We used to edit a couple of files to enable SSL in builds prior to 9700. From the latest version 9.7 build 9700 enabling SSL is made is easy.

Please follow the steps given below to enable SSL:

1) Stop NetFlow Analyzer
2) Navigate to <NetFlow_Home>\bin in a command prompt with administrative privilege.
3) Execute sslGen.bat -f Enable  (sslGen.sh in case of linux) 
4) Start NetFlow Analyzer service and check if you are able to login with Https URL with port 8443.

Eg: https://localhost:8443

If you are running build prior to 9700, please click here to see the instructions on enabling SSL.

Thank and Regards
Praveen Manohar.
NetFlow Analyzer TAC.

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