Enable-CsUser error

Enable-CsUser error

We have a template process that creates the AD user object and O365 mailbox fine. It then creates the Skype account BUT this is on-premise, not in the cloud.

The issue we sometimes run into is that we encounter the attached error.

Basically this means that the Skype account wasn’t created.

This issue can be resolved by connecting to the server that ADManager is installed on and creating a persistent connection to the Skype server – this URL goes through this process. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/ilvancri/2010/11/25/using-remote-powershell-to-connect-to-lync/

We can then run through the account creation process and it works end to end, creating the Skype account in the process. And then at some point down the line it breaks again.

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