Does Application Manager can not monitor two SQLServer instances in one server?

Does Application Manager can not monitor two SQLServer instances in one server?

There are two SQLServer instances in one of our servers,one is
SQLServer2000,the other is SQLServer2005,
now,i want to monitor both of them(SQLServer Instance),so i do as follows:
step 1: create a new monitor ,add SQLServer2000 in this monitor,it's
successful,and application manager can receive data from this instance
normally,so i can see the status of my SQLServer2000.
step 2: create another monitor ,add SQLServer2005 in this new monitor,it's
successful too,but,when i click "poll now" ,it show error as "error occurs
when collecting data from SQLServer server."

follow as the instructions "Execute the file MsSQLDebug.bat under
appmanager9\bin\troubleshooting "
the result is :
C:\Program Files\AdventNet\ME\AppManager8\bin
\troubleshooting>MsSQLDebug.bat 3622 SQL sa phoenix
 Discovery for database using hostname and port
number 3622 successfull after 47 ms
 Discovery for database using ip address and port number
3622 successfull after 0 ms
 Connection successfully established while using the url->
and user sa after 94 ms
 Connection successfully established while using the url->
jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;instance=MSSQL2005 and user sa
after 16 ms
 Query successfully executed after 0 ms but no results obtained from query
C:\Program Files\AdventNet\ME\AppManager8\bin\troubleshooting>

so,what's the problem?
By the way,the version of my application manager is 8610.
I would be very gratefull for your  help.

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