Display of Company details in a request.

Display of Company details in a request.

We have over 400 companies we provide work for.
Some of whom we speak with daily and are on contract, while others are ad hoc, and we may not be contacted for months at a time.
In addition, 90% of our requests arrive via email.

It would be very useful for Technicians to know the following when they look at a request:
1) Whether the Account is under a contract. I would suggest a colour change in the top of the request to highlight it.
2) Who the "Account Manager" for that account is, usually this is a senior Tech.
3) The general Contact details for the company, ie clicking on the requester will only show the individuals contact details, and not the Site/Dept or Acc.

We also have a situation of some customers who are not paying their bills, so there should be a way (similar to the contract field) to highlight this fact, and ensure they are directed to the Billing area, before being assisted.
In SupportCenter we worked around the above by using the "Announcement" feature for an account, but this feature is not as useful in ServiceDesk.

Rgds Ben

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