At the moment the disk usage pie chart displayed for Linux hosts isn't very useful if you're using LVM, as it just displays 100% used of an aggregate of all the devices - e.g. I have a new, unused desktop that has
1TB /
8TB /data
256Gb /scratch
and the inventory page will display 9.3 TB at 100% usage.
A useful output would to instead list the output of "df -h" excluding items matching udev, tempfs, /dev/loop - so for me this would be
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 915G 8.1G 861G 1% /
/dev/mapper/data--vg-data 7.3T 93M 6.9T 1% /data
/dev/mapper/scratch--vg-scratch 234G 61M 222G 1% /scratch
This would allow monitoring of individual mountpoints which would be far more useful than just a total aggregate figure.