Did you know - How to send attachments with Password Expiration Notifications ?

Did you know - How to send attachments with Password Expiration Notifications ?

Password expiration notifications ensure that users change their passwords on time and avoid facing locked-out accounts when they need it the most. This means reduced account locked-down tickets.
With ADSelfService Plus you can automate this notification process. All you have to do is, create a scheduler configuring a customized message. As an additional advantage in ADSelfService Plus, you can send attachments with password expiration notifications. You can send files briefing the password complexity requirements and rules that should not be flouted during password change.
Steps to send attachments with password expiration notifications

  • Login to ADSelfService Plus' admin portal. 
  • Go to Configuration tab. 
  • Select Self-service --> Password Expiry Notification in the left pane. 
  • Click Edit if you want to edit an existing scheduler or click Add New Notification, in case of you want to create a new one. 
  • Configure the fields as per your needs. [Learn more] 
  • To attach a file to be sent with the notifications, click Options. [Refer the image below]

  • You can attach any file (<25 MB).
  • Click Save.
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