Did you know - How to automatically reinstate revoked licenses of users ?

Did you know - How to automatically reinstate revoked licenses of users ?

Licenses are a costly affair. Administrators should know the tips and tricks of license management to manage the licenses in an easier way. It is a common practice to revoke the license of
  • Inactive users
  • Locked out users
  • Password expired users and others who are all not using the product for a very long time.
While we take proper steps to curb the unwanted license consumption, we must also ensure that the licenses are reinstated promptly. Most the products provide ways to restrict license usage but they do not concentrate on the ways to reinstate the licenses.
ADSelfService Plus, not only provides ways to reinstate licenses but also lets to automate the process. This eases the task of license management even more.
Steps to reinstate revoked licenses automatically

  • Login to ADSelfService Plus admin portal. 
  • Go to Admin tab. 
  • Select License Management --> Restrict Users in the left pane. 
  • You will see the Restricted Users List. Select Schedule to Unrestrict.

  •  In the pop-up, you will see the options to schedule the license reinstation process.

  • Select the suitable options in the pop-up as per your needs. 
  • Click Save.
Read more about ADSelfService Plus, here.

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