Did you know: ADSelfService Plus supports self-service password management for Linux.

Did you know: ADSelfService Plus supports self-service password management for Linux.

Accessibility is one of the major factors that determine the effectiveness of a self-service password reset solution. No matter where a user is and what device one is using, it’s imperative for users to easily access the password self-service solution to reset passwords, anywhere, at any time.  

ADSelfService Plus allows users to access the self-service portal via multiple access points. Besides the default web-based portal, users can reset passwords via,
1. The login prompt of all major operating systems - Windows, macOS, and Linux.
2. Their Android and iOS mobile app.

This article offers step-by-step instructions to enable Active Directory self-service password reset and account unlock option for end users in the login screen of Linux machines.

Self-password reset from the Linux login screen. 
When Linux OS users forget their AD passwords, they can use the Linux login agent to reset their passwords themselves instead of calling the help desk. 

1. To reset their Windows AD passwords, users have to click the Reset Password/Account Unlock link displayed in the login screen of their Linux machines. 

2. In the self-service portal that opens up, they should click Reset Password.

3. Once their identity is verified via the enforced authentication techniques, they'll be allowed to reset their passwords. 

How to enable the Linux login agent.
1. Copy the installLinuxAgent.sh, webkit2_greeter_theme.html, and webkit.py files from this folder: Install Directory>\bin (Default location: C:\ManageEngine\ ADSelfService Plus\bin).
2. Paste the copied files in the Home folder of the Linux machine.
3. Launch the Linux terminal and execute the following commands:
  1. sed -i 's/\r$//' installLinuxAgent.sh 
  2. sudo bash installLinuxAgent.sh -install -serverName myserver -portNumber myport -protocol myprotocol

  3. In these commands:
  4. serverName = The name of the machine on which ADSelfService Plus is deployed.
  5. portNumber = The port number on which ADSelfService Plus is running.
  6. protocol = The protocol on which ADSelfService Plus is running.
4. Reboot the system.

Click here for complete customization and reinstallation details.

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