Device Templates: How to create baseline configs and apply custom?
I am trying to figure out how to leverage Device Templates in their current form.
I want to set the "base" monitoring and threshold template so all systems have the same level of monitoring. I then want to create custom templates that alter various thresholds or metrics for different applications or infrastructures but I don't want to everwrite ALL of the metrics, only some, or add additional.
For example: I am leveraging the built-in Windows temple to define, CPU, Memory, Page, Committed Bytes and Disk. But I have a group of servers that need to threshold on % Disk Utilized, not just a static quantity. So I create a custom template and I set it to 5, 10, 20% respectively.
Do I then associate it with the group of servers?
What happens if I need to then change it to 10, 20, 30%? Does associating the thresholds to the same metrics on the same servers overwrite what is in place?
Right now, there seems to be a flaw in the logic that "apply and overwrite" completely wipes out ALL metrics except for the ones listed. There should be an option to "apply and overwrite LISTED metrics (but keep everything else).
There is also a flaw in that custom templates require SNMP stuff instead of just using WMI. Only the built-in templates seem to allow ONLY WMI (preferred).
Any insights into how I can go about doing this?
New to ADSelfService Plus?