Device status clarification

Device status clarification


In " Alarm severity levels in OpManager" article, The different system device statuses are mentioned as following:

  1. 1)Service Down:  When is service down and URL monitor is down

  2. 2)Attention: When the device is down for the  1st poll in availability

  3. 3)Trouble: When the device is down for 3 consecutive polls in Availability

  4. 4)Critical: When the device is down for 5 consecutive polls in Availability. This is the highest severity in OpManager.

  5. 5)Clear: At any stage if an alarm is cleared.

My questions are:

1. What's the difference between  Service Down and  Critical?

2. The status number is returend in API response for Device down is 4 and for critical is 1. while the critical is listed as 4th status and service down as the 1s severity in the above article. How do you explain this contracdiction?

3. Is there any distinction between " Service Down" and " Device Down", As the first is mentioned for 1)Service Down status and the second is mentioned for 4)Critical status?

4. To know all available statues, I've chekced the status icons given i the API respone in this format: "images/devices/status{1 to 7}.gif". The 7 staus is Not monitored device. However I couldn't find the type of status nmber 6. Does it indicate an on holded device?


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