Desktop Central seems to frequently miss various Windows OS patches and updates

Desktop Central seems to frequently miss various Windows OS patches and updates

I've been using Desktop Central for about two years now. When I came onto my job, we were using a mix of WSUS and Desktop Central. I have since scrapped WSUS and stuck with Desktop Central for both 3rd party software installment as well as regular monthly Windows updates. Everything seemed to be going well as Desktop Central reported that all of our systems were up to date after I would run updates month by month. Then we had an environment scan with Nessus Vulnerability Scanner by a 3rd party security audit team which found many missing Windows patches. Turns out that most of our systems (old and new) show missing updates, many of which are critical security updates.

I have done my best to keep Desktop Central regularly up to date (it's on the most recent build version) and I perform regular scans and vulnerability database syncs (usually multiple times per month). I am always keeping an eye on systems and I know Desktop Central pretty well now after using it so much. However, when I go to a local Windows system and I scan for updates with the Windows Update utility, I often times find that there are still many missing patches which Desktop Central is not reporting. And they are not 3rd party software updates either. They are mostly Windows security patches and things -- the same type that Desktop Central downloads and installs.

I have spent many chat sessions with support trying to figure out the issue. Usually I am told to sync my vulnerability DB and scan (which I always do) and then that leads to me sending them my logs. If I am lucky enough to hear back from them, there is usually nothing that can be done. Other times, I am told that Windows updates are "cumulative" or that newer patches supersede other patches. I get this and it's partially correct, but that still does not explain why newly deployed systems would end up having missed updates, especially when I am on top of running monthly updates.

So at this point, I am considering leaving Desktop Central to try other update products.. I may give WSUS a try again. I just can't trust Desktop Central or rely on tech support. I am pretty disappointed since Desktop Central seems to be a pretty nice tool for inventory management, patches and software deployment.

Has anyone else experienced any of this??

                New to ADSelfService Plus?