We have a Assets Request Form that has 6 fields for the requested product specifications
The user can make this request for up to 10 rows
How do I implement this? like this:
Item No. | Item Name | Item Code | Quantity | Source | Destination |
1 | Laptop | LP-001 | 2 | Warehouse A | Office B |
2 | Monitor | MN-002 | 5 | Warehouse A | Branch C |
3 | Printer | PR-003 | 1 | Storage Room | IT Department |
4 | Network Router | RT-004 | 3 | Warehouse B | Branch A |
5 | External Hard Drive | HD-005 | 10 | Storage Unit | Office D |
6 | Server | SR-006 | 1 | Data Center | Main Office |
7 | UPS | UPS-007 | 2 | Warehouse B | Branch E |
8 | Network Switch | SW-008 | 4 | Storage Room | IT Department |
9 | Access Point | AP-009 | 6 | Warehouse C | Office F |
10 | IP Phone | IP-010 | 8 | Warehouse A | Call Center |
I want it to be like Excel
This can be implemented in SharePoint and SAP software, but I couldn't in Service Desk. Because either we have to define 70 fields or I have to write in the description that the snake is not interesting.