Deployment Projects in Support Center Plus

Deployment Projects in Support Center Plus

Hello there,

My company has purchased the Support Center Plus product and we are going to be using it for a variety of things including tracking hours worked/time spent on Customer Deployments.  Basically, support center plus is involved in the customer relationship right after the sales process closes.  At that point we need to help to set up the customer (connectivity testing, firewall, and other tasks/milestones).  Here is how we are using support center plus to do this.

-I created a request template called Customer Deployments which can be used every time a Request is being used to deploy a customer
-then i created a product called Deployment Package.  The product is linked to an Hour based support plan (40 hr package of support hours)

In this way, my techs just need to open a request, select the request template, and select the appropriate customer contact and product (deployment package).  When the request opens, I configured the template so that the Milestones and Tasks for the Deployment are included in the Body of the Request. 

So as the deployment starts, the technicien can add hours worked to the request, and the system will deduct them from the 40 hr support package.  the techs can also create tasks for themselves and notes, as well as attach documents (connectivity worksheets, sign-off forms etc.)

Considering that Support Center plus was not really intended to handle Project Management like this, I think its an elegant solution that allows us to handle all aspects of post-sales for our company directly within Support Center Plus, without having to get another piece of software.  However.........

Would it be possible for Manage Engine to add some more robust Project Management features into Support Center Plus??  For example, in Service Desk Plus you have a feature called Change Management.  For Changes, techs can see a Calander and can see all of the associated tasks for the Change.  They can also write descriptions and attach documents under Planning.  My idea would be to add a module to Support Center plus like Changes.  Only it would be called Projects.  In Projects, Planning would be changed to Milestones, where you could enter as many milestones as yu want, with associated tasks, and attached documents.  The Calander would display all the milestones/tasks per project.

I think this would be a great feature for you to add, as it would make Support Center Plus a good option for the entire post sales process, from deployment through to cutover/go-live (especially in the Telephony, Networking fields). 

What do you gusy think????   

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