deploy lates version of software title to custom group automatically

deploy lates version of software title to custom group automatically

we use DC cloud version, are happy with it and we use it to manage Windows devices only

I started to deploy our standard applications to our workgroup devices and we push out things like 

Adobe Acrobat Reader

etc etc

This is working fine but when DC updates the packaged applications they are added as a software title to be deployed and when we add a new Windows device to our Workgroup Custom Group the old version of applications are installed and then they are either updated by the internal update mechanism of the app or the patch management system

I can manually go to the software titles and assign the new Zoom application to the same custom group but 2 things happen

1. this is treated as a new deployment and it fails on device which already have the software installed
2. you cannot rely on the successful deployment counter in deployments as it only successfully installs on new devices, all the devices which where deployed using an older version all show as failed installs
3. this is a very manual process, we push out 10 applications,  each month new versions come out and it is just not good use of my time

Is there a better way of automatically deploying the lastest version of an application the software deployment section?


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