Department Reports

Department Reports

Hi ManageEngine

I was hoping to have assistance with a couple reports. 

I have an account that has requested a report with the following rows: 

Time Spent 
Time Spent Tech Charge

Can a query be created that reports on the total amount of Time Spent and Time Spent Tech Charge into one entry per Department per month?  
At this point it will be generated on the first of each month for the previous month.
Currently it creates an entry per worklog, we require the total Time Spent and Time Spent per Department each month for reporting. 

The second report is very similar. It requires the following columns. 

Time Spent 
Time Spent Tech Charge  

This report will require the total Time Spent and Time Spent Tech Charge per Subcategory each month for the previous month. 

Your Version: 9.3
Database: mssql

Thanks in advance, 

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