Deletion of Support Groups

Deletion of Support Groups

Please follow the instructions below to check what could still be hindering the deletion of the Groups:

1.) Execute the below query to find the exact Group Id of the Group that you want to delete:

select qd.queuename"Group Name",qd.queueid"Group ID","Site Name" from queuedefinition qd left join sdorganization sd on sd.org_id=qd.siteid order by 3

2.) Replace the Group ID(where it is highlighted) in the below query to find the associations for the Group to the Tasks:

select td.taskid"Task ID",td.title"Task Title",td.module"Module",wtt.workorderid"Request ID",ctt.changeid"Change ID",ptt.problemid"Problem ID",prtt.projectid"Project ID" from taskdetails td left join queuedefinition qd on qd.queueid=td.groupid left join workordertotaskdetails wtt on wtt.taskid=td.taskid left join changetotaskdetails ctt on ctt.taskid=td.taskid left join Problemtotaskdetails ptt on ptt.taskid=td.taskid left join tasktoprojects prtt on prtt.taskid=td.taskid where qd.queueid= 301 ;

3.) Replace the Group ID(where it is highlighted) in the below query to find the associations for the Group to the Requests:

select wo.workorderid"Request ID",wo.title"Subject" from workorder_queue wq left join workorder wo on wo.workorderid=wq.workorderid left join queuedefinition qd on qd.queueid=wq.queueid where qd.queueid= 301 ;

1.) You may run the below queries under Reports\New Query Report.
2.) You may need to reassign or make the Group unassigned on the Tasks / Requests that you find associated with the Group that you want to delete.

If you prefer to remove the associations through the database you may use the below queries:

Now connect to the database and execute the below queries to move the associations

To remove the associations from Requests:
delete from workorder_queue where queueid in (1,2,3);

To remove the associations from Tasks:

update taskdetails set groupid=NULL where groupid in (1,2,3);

* 1,2,3 are the queueid's /GroupId's that needs to be removed\deleted respectively on 1st and 2nd query.
* When you update this through the database,there will not be any entry on history stating this Group was removed /changed.
* Please test this on a test server and verify before you execute the queries on the Production server.

Krishna Bharat

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Support team

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