DC clients failing upgrade because they don't have access to C:\Windows\Temp

DC clients failing upgrade because they don't have access to C:\Windows\Temp

We have run into an issue where clients are not upgrading correctly or failing to upgrade. After we installed the Gateway Server, things ran great for awhile. Not we have machines that are showing offline because of a failed client upgrade. 

When checking these machines and trying to run a repair, it wants access to the C:\Windows\Temp folder for the manageengine msi file.  it seems that some upgrades go through fine, others don't. I am unable to figure out why.

  1. Does the client install/upgrade require users to have local admin rights?
  2. Why doesn't the upgrades use the MSi that located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopCentral_Agent\Updates location instead of trying to get to C:\Windows\Temp?

We are also seeing a lot of machines that are showing offline thoguh the end user is in fact on the internet. But the clients are not reporting through the Gatway Server we have in place. We have supplied users with brand new computers with updated clients and software only to have them show offline a few weeks later while they are working remote. This is causing an issue with patch & software deployments.  I thought the Gateway server was supposed to remediate the issue of them not being on the company network. 

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