
I did a clean install to opmanager and first added vmware and I let it discover its vm-s.
It only discovers certain vm-s based on i don't know what and i cant add other vm-s to monitoring that don't have snmp because it requires credentials.
So my question is how did vcenter added several vm-s to monitoring and others not(without snmp)?

So I got my vcenter monitoring with several vm-s. And it stops at 26 ( i have 40sthing vm-s really). I see that my dashboard ipam, virtualization and server dashboards update and widgets start working and then they dont get any more new info. So i configure my settings and delete all the vm-s and vcenter since i need to change templates and stuff like this, I can see that everything is deleted, then i stop and start opmanager service, I am specially looking with ps -axw to see if any postresql, java or some other opmanager related process is still up and they aren't while stopped. And when the service starts and i add vcenter again then everything comes OK but it shows the number of vm-s it added(26vm-s) in virtualization dashboard but when i open it then widgets show no data available(but i do have vm-s and when i check vm monitors, then it shows data).
So my question is, how do i get dashboards and widgets working normally? it also this time doesn't update ipam dashboard and server dashboard is empty also(but it shows 26vm-s).
This thing is the same with every reinstall and clean install i have tried it several times and problem persists. Restarting everything and readding doesn't work.

Another problem is when i add vm with ip and snmp credentials and delete it and then re-add then i cannot add snmp based monitors it writes " Please configure the correct userName / password"
Then i test the snmp credentials for this device and it writes passed. and still nothing. I delete vm and restart opmanager and it appears as unmanaged. Then i delete again this and add again through vcenter and still the same problem persists. It seems to be somehow saved in database. How to fix that problem?

I clean installed opmanager again and added vcenter and didn't stop the opmanager service from the first start. Still gives me 26 vm-s then i add vm-s with ip and snmp credentials from vcenter and the dashboards doesn't update till I rediscover vcenter. 

I am running opmanager 12200 with postgre on centos 7.

I need fix to dashboard problem that it says no data available and how to delete correctly device from databases

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