Database and Eventlog

Database and Eventlog


I have just installed MeEngine Event Anaylze to collect and analyse the logs of several hosts and it's working fine.

I have some queries and apprecaite if you could assist me.

1) I have set the Db Storage Options to 32days, so does it mean that the file "ibdata1" will be purge and containing only the latest records. Do we need to to issues any mysql command to shink the db or it's taken care by the system?

2) I have enabled the archive options, and it archived every 24hours. When archived is successfully done, does it delete records of the log file?

3) I found that there's some files (eventlog_XXXX) found in the mysql\data\eventlog with extension "frm", "myd" and "myi". What are this files for? Can I move them out to other folder as I have space contraints?

Appreciate your help. Many Thanks.

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