Data migration from Version 9.3 Build 9308 to Version 9.4 Build 9417

Data migration from Version 9.3 Build 9308 to Version 9.4 Build 9417

I tried to to restore the backup data from Version 9.3 to Version 9.4.
I followed these instructions:
<<How do I restore backup data?
The following instructions is to restore the backup data.
Step 1: Launch the command prompt, go to [ServiceDesk Plus-Home]\bin directory, and run restoreData.bat. Choose the backup file with part no 1 and select OK. [ Screenshot ]
NOTE: When you restore backup data, the existing data will be overwritten; the restore process is not incremental and will not add information over the existing data.
Step 2: On the Java pop-up window that appears, click close and start the application. [ Screenshot]>>
After finalization of restore process and starting ServiceDesk Plus, the service through the link http://localhost:8080/ is hanged and you cannot have access either as administrator or guest!
Thanks in advance for the support.

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