Hello All,
Just sharing in the event anyone else needs to do this and is having trouble.
As part of our disable user policy, we run a custom powershell script to write "Diasabled -Month -Year" in the user's description field. ie: DISABLED July 2019
To call the script place this in the custom script command line/box:
powershell .\scriptname %userName% for example: powershell .\disableDescription.ps1 %userName%
The script itself:
- $admgr_user = $args[0]
- #Importing Module
- Import-Module Activedirectory
- $Month = get-date -UFormat %B
- $Year = Get-Date -UFormat %Y
- Set-ADUser -Identity $admgr_user -Description "DISABLED - $Month $Year"
The script is in the bin folder of the ADManager server ie: C\ManageEngine\ADManager PLus\bin\disableDescription.ps1
Hope this helps someone as I was having issues with IO Exception error and it had to do with how you call the script within ADManager: powershell .\script.pst %variable%