Custom script not working - what am I doing wrong?

Custom script not working - what am I doing wrong?


I am trying to create a custom script (my first), and I cant work out why its not working.  There is no error or feedback and I cannot find any log to help me diagnose the problem.

This is only a partial script at this point, whilst I figure out how its going to work - I'm trying to keep things simple before working out how I can make calculations from an Option List.

So currently the script is taking info from the fields, concatenating them, and writing them into the "Business Case" field, which is UDF_CHAR1.

I have set the trigger to On Field Change of the effort field, as I wasnt sure it was triggering - I wanted something more definite to test against.

Any clues as to what I might be doing wrong?


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?