Custom Report - TimeSpent

Custom Report - TimeSpent

I am hoping someone would be able to help me out with a report that I would like to run or be made available in ServiceDeskPlus-MSP

Every month we run the following TimeSpent Custom Report, but we then have to export it into excel and manipulate the data.

What we would like is that for RequestID's with multiple worklog entries, for the report to only show a single entry for that requestID with a total of all the worklog entries for that request. Then the count of RequestID's in the report will be an accurate reflection of how many tickets the client has logged rather than a reflection of how many worklog entries have been entered by our technicians.
I see that some similar information is available in the new billing report which can get generated as part of the billing module.

This is the custom report we currently run

1 - Display Columns
Request ID
Assigned Technician
Time Spent (Total Time of all worklog entries for this RequestID)
Completed Time

2 - Filter Options
Date Filter
Completed Time = During Last Month
Advanced Filtering
Request Status = Closed or Resolved
3 - Columns to group
Group By = Account
Order By = Completed Time

4 - Summary Type
Request ID = Count
Time Spent = Sum
We are running SDP-MSP version 8.2 and the DB is running MSSQL

I have attached a screenshot with some notes on what I would like to see in the report output.


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