Custom Report - Inactive Users - LDAP query to target two attributes

Custom Report - Inactive Users - LDAP query to target two attributes

I am creating a Scheduled automation to Disable inactive users who have been inactive for at least 90 days or more. This runs based off of the built-in "Inactive Users" report that comes with ADManager.

However, it appears that the generic "Inactive Users" report only considers the "LastLogon" attribute in ActiveDirectory but may not consider the "LastLogonTimeStamp" attribute (which can differ from each other across DCs.)

I would like to create a custom "Inactive Users" report that will consider both AD attributes when querying. How could I go about doing this?

For reference, here is what the original LDAP query looks like for the built-in Inactive Users report. I'd like to modify it to also include LastLogonTimeStamp.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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