CSV Generator Tools Issues

CSV Generator Tools Issues

I can not seem to make CSV Generator to work.

From the directions in the help index, I select the AD object type from the list, then browse and select the CSV file from the File Name field. After I click on Generate I receive the error:

"Invalid Format: Provide sAMAccountName as header"

I exit out of CSV Generator, add "sAMAccountName" in the first row of the CSV, and retry. I receive the same error.

When I try the other options, such as "Advanced", and pick from the other attributes it does not change any of the columns.

I have tried uninstalling ADManager Plus Free Tools and reinstalling it
Running the install and application as administrator
Installing in a different location (default location installs to the created directory in "C:\ManageEngine\ADManager Plus Free Tools")
Executing CSVGenerator.exe directly (outside of FreeTools.exe)
Running in Compatibility mode as an administrator

I can not get it to work.

Is there anyone who knows what's wrong or who can help me get it working? All help is appreciated.

Thank you.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?