Creating computer groups for patching/deployments

Creating computer groups for patching/deployments

Hello people,
Coming from the SCCM world and started testing this software, I have a few questions if you can answer them:

1. Is it possible to have some sort of groups (device collections in SCCM) where I can put my computers, and link patch policies (and not only -software deployments, OS deployments-) to these groups? I have search and tested but could not find anything. Looks like all computers are in the same pot.
2. Is it possible to create a patching Configuration for some of the computers and when new patches come out just make them part of an existing Configuration? I have tried, but when I click the Add Patches button it does not find anything, only on new Configuration. The  automatic patch deployment does not suit for all of the computers I have under my management.
3. Is it possible to just start an OS deployment from an agent? Let's say I have some Win7 stations that I want to upgrade to Win10. Install the agent on those Win7 workstations, create a backup profile for every one of them then start the deployment without PXE booting or other methods. Starting it using the agent from the Win7 machines and when it reboots it goes and format the disks and whatever I put in the deployment profile.

For sure I will have some more questions along the road, but I just started testing the software from just a few days. The part with the groups is very annoying not having the possibility to separate the computers based on sites/floors.


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