Conversation reports different fields

Conversation reports different fields


I'm looking at conversation reports a lot to  understand traffic flows in my organization and create traffic flow matrix.
I found out there is a difference in field shown for conversation reports:
"Last 15 Minutes",  "Last 30 Minutes",  "Last One Hour" shows all fields "Src IP", "Dst IP", "Application", "Port" (as Source Port), "DstPort", "Protocol", "DSCP", Mapped fields and "Traffic".
While other reports (except for "Custom Selection") shows only "Src IP", "Dst IP", "Application", "Port", "Protocol", "DSCP", "Traffic".
If I use "Custom Selection" with time interval less or equal to 2hr (like, from 2014-01-24 10:00 to 2014-01-24 12:00) then all fields displayed. If time interval more than 2 hr (even 2hr1min) then we see limited set of fields.

Also "Port" field shows different values: for all fields it is Source Port, for limited - Port based on Application (could be either Source or Destination Port).

So the questions are:
1. How can I change reports to show all fields?
2. How can I edit pre-programmed reports?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?